bonding studenteninitiative e.V.
Der Wettbewerb für IT-Begeisterte
Wenn du verstehst, worum es hier geht:
using namespace bHack If (User.skills ("Java, C++ or ELSE!!") >= advanced && User.interest("Robotinos") >= curious) { bHack.cout << "Welcome to the bonding Hackathon." << bHack.endl;
bHack.cout << "Pros, Pizzas, Club Mate, Robotinos, Prices and Scientists are already in the place." << bHack.endl;
// don't miss the bonding taxi at the end bHack.cout << "Try, share, rest, correct, optimize, compile, the night is yours." << bHack.endl; //see you }
Dann bist du bei uns richtig!